Our works

Center for Employment Initiatives (CEI) and Rwanda Development Board (RDB)
One of our researchers was hired to conduct a value chain analysis of the maize and floriculture value chain and develop a methodology that would be used by the Chef Skills Office (CSO) of Rwanda in identifying opportunities for job creation and skills development as part of the National Skills Development and Employment Promotion Strategy (NSDEPS).
UN Women / IFAD / FAO / WFP
Our staff conducted value chain analysis and gender-sensitive market assessment of value chains for maize, beans, soya beans, Irish potatoes, dairy products and bee products with a view of understanding the way these value chains are organized and opportunities to promote women’s economic empowerment through participation in value-addition and upstream stages of the value chains.

Our researchers have conducted several assignments for UNDP Rwanda covering areas such as situational analyses, project/program/portfolio evaluations, among others. Examples of accomplishments for this client include:
1) Final evaluation of the joint UNDP/FAO project to boost climate resilience and sustainable agriculture in disaster-prone areas of Rwanda;
2) Final evaluation of the Deepening Efforts to Accelerate NDC Implementation – NDC Project – in Rwanda;
3) Situational analysis of persons with disabilities and development of a joint (UNDP, UN Women and UNICEF) project on disability inclusion which received funding from the United Nations Partnership on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNPRPD);
4) Rapid assessment of the capacities of organizations of persons with disabilities (OPDs) regarding research, policy analysis, evidence-based advocacy, monitoring and evaluation;
5) Assessment of the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF I, 2018-2024) to ascertain the extent of disability inclusion and make recommendations for greater consideration of disability in UN programming;
6) Evaluation of the governance portfolio of various projects implemented under the Transformational Governance Unit (TGU) between 2018 and 2023;
7) Evaluation of individual, organizational and institutional capacity development programs and interventions implemented through the National Capacity Building and Employment Services Board (CESB) between 2011 and 2016 in seven selected sectors – Health, ICT, Agriculture, Investment, Energy, Infrastructure, and Local Government.
United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA)
One of our research team members was hired by the sub-regional office for Eastern Africa (SRO-EA) as an International Consultant / Development Economist in charge of several studies and macroeconomic and social development analysis and prepare sub-regional profiles to take stock of developments in all 14 members states served by the sub-regional office.

GIZ Rwanda
Our research team has served GIZ Rwanda on several occasions including an assignment to mainstream NDC indicators in the agriculture sector in Rwanda; several training sessions for Young Economists Program (YEP) in areas of econometrics, research methods and data analysis; among others.
African Economic Research Consortium (AERC)
Using a mixed-methods approach, three studies have been conducted; 1) analysis of the extent and drivers of the gender gap in financial inclusion and digital financial services in Rwanda; 2) analysis of the extent and drivers of the disability gap in financial inclusion and digital financial services in Rwanda; and 3) the process and dynamics of development of digital financial services (DFS) ecosystems and services in Rwanda.

Economic Policy Research Network (EPRN-Rwanda) and Oxfam Rwanda
Our research team conducted a final evaluation of the horticulture value chain funded by the European Union Delegation (EUD) through Oxfam Rwanda and implemented by four local partner NGOs.
DTG Global
One of our team members is currenting undertaking several assignments for DTG Global, a company that is implementing a technical assistance project form the European Union Delegation (EUD) supporting several ministries including Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources (MINAGRI), Ministry of Environment (MoE) and Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning (MINECOFIN). Specific tasks include supporting with background studies and policy advice related to the Kigali Wholesale Market, tracking budget support indicators which EUD bases on to gauge performance at the sectoral and ministerial level for disbursement, and any other technical assistance that the partner ministries might request in due course.

Ecorys Netherlands
Subcontracting consultancy by Ecorys Nederland for the evaluation of SME financing instruments GroFin and Novastar in Rwanda. The consultancy involved an evaluation of the impact of the two products and a situational analysis of Rwanda’s private sector.
Japan Weather Association (JWA)
We provided monitoring and evaluation services for JWA’s project on air pollution monitoring using mobile sensors. The project was funded by the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and implemented by JWA in partnership with Rwanda Environmental Management Authority (REMA).

UNCDF Rwanda
Technical support in drafting the Rwanda Digital Strategy 2019-2024 for United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF Rwanda). The strategy elaborates the roadmap to the digitization of services in the Health, Education, Agriculture, Finance and Humanitarian sectors to improve service delivery for farmers, youths, women, refugees and SMEs in Rwanda by 2024.
OECD/ILO/EU Commission
Measuring the net fiscal contribution of international migration in Rwanda. This was part of a bigger multi-country project to assess the economic contribution of labor migration in developing countries as the countries of destination.

International Growth Center (IGC)
A policy paper benchmarking on the challenges and opportunities for Rwanda to have a digital transformation of payments towards a more cashless economy. This involved benchmarking of success and failure scenarios of other countries and localizing the prerequisite conditions for a successful digital payments transformation for Rwanda.
United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU- WIDER)
Our research team conducted an analysis of the status and drivers of the gender gap in firm productivity in Rwanda and provided evidence-based recommendations to narrow the differences in performance between enterprises owned by females and males.

United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU- WIDER)
Analysis of Rwanda’s structural transformation and identifying sectors which have the potential to steer growth given the sluggish manufacturing sector. This is part of a UNU-WIDER book chapter on the “Industries without Smokestacks” published by Oxford University Press.
International Growth Center (IGC)
A policy paper to map out investment opportunities to attract FDI and create jobs in Rwanda.

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